Sunday, March 9, 2008

VoiceThreads in Schools

I can see many uses for VoiceThreads in schools. The folks at VoiceThread describe the tool as more like a pencil than a software platform. They introduce Ed.VoiceThread as “a space for creating digital stories and documentaries, practicing language skills, exploring geography and culture, solving math problems, collaborating with other students, or simply finding and honing student voices”. I can also see students using Ed.Voicethread for talking about favourite books, sharing artwork, evaluating art and brainstorming on a writing topic launched by a photograph. Physical Education teachers could even use this tool to tape games and comment on play. Parents could be invited into the discussion to comment on student work posted on VoiceThread. Students could comment on photos of class fieldtrips or author visits to share in a class newsletter.

1 comment:

elizabeth said...

Thanks for sharing your wiki on how educators are using Voicethread. There are lots of fabulous ideas for all grade levels here. A great resource!